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-esthesia series

esthesia   - es•the•sia
— n
the normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity.

The esthesia series consists of kaleidoscopic artworks that deconstruct the transience instant between experiences of the self as a private or intimate and an invasion of the other.  Through the creation of fascinatingly macabre and enthrallingly grotesque morphs/transformations of the ethnically diverse human figure, the bodies never consolidate to a completely recognisable form.

 The flesh is suspended in time becoming patterns of transient movement. It exists in a state of a depersonalised nomadic flux, never to solidify as cohesive and purposeful entities. 

The borders between the self and the other are transcended where the physical mobility of the figures across imaginary lines/ borders purposefully maintain an intimate dialogue fostering an allowance to cross these borders of the personal and the social, of the Ethnic and the Eurocentric. 

This kaleidoscopic aesthetic denotes an inter-personalised space where individual experiences are morphed across social borders, enabling the viewers a reconstruction according to their own prejudices, begging a contemplative reflection about their individual experiences.


Edition of 5
3:28 min loop

Ubuliliesthesia suggests the experiencing sensations of gender. The combination of Zulu and English in the title indicates the multicultural implications of interracially laden gender experiences. This is aesthetically dramatized through the morphing of African and Caucasian bodies where the boundaries between the individual experience and the social constructs have been negated.

 esthesia   - es•the•sia
— n (English)
the normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity.  

Ubulili - U•bu•lili 
v— n (Zulu)
denotes a person’s sex or gender.


Edition of 5
3:49 min loop

esthesia   - es•the•sia
— n
the normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity.

Kalosesthesia  - ka•los•es•the•sia (kəl-oz’ĭs-thē’zhə)
— n
The experience of sensation through a stimulus caused by the awareness of shapes. 

Eidosesthesia - ei•dos•es•the•sia (ēhd-oz’ĭs-thē’zhə)  
— n
The experience of sensation through a stimulus caused by the awareness of beauty. 

Edition of 5
3:49 min loop

Kaleidoscope  - ka•lei•do•scope  (k-ld-skp) Coined from the Greek words kalos (beautiful), eidos (shapes) and scopion (Latin scopium) (to look at), i.e. “looking at beautiful shapes”. A tube-shaped optical instrument that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs by means of mirrors reflecting the constantly changing patterns made by bits of colored glass at one end of the tube. A constantly changing set of colors. A series of changing phases or events: a kaleidoscope of illusions with many different aspects that keep changing. 


Edition of 5
2:41 min loop


— n

 The normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity.


  1. Dysesthesia  dys·es·the·sia (dĭs'ĭs-thē'zhə) 
    — n

  1.  Impairment of sensation, especially that of touch.

  2.  A condition in which an unpleasant sensation is produced by ordinary stimuli.


  1. Paraesthesia or paresthesia  (ˌpærɛsˈθiːzɪə) 

— n

 pathol  an abnormal or inappropriate sensation in an organ, part, or area of the skin, as of burning,pricklingtingling, etc

Edition of 5
2:34 min loop

These artworks deconstruct the instants between experiences through the creation of fascinatingly macabre and enthrallingly grotesque morphs/transformations of the human figure. The image never consolidates to a completely recognisable form, yet identifiable elements remain that enables the viewer a reconstruction according to their own prejudices.


Similarly we taint our own individual experiences by who we are, by our own identities, and mould these experiences into acceptable compromises of morality. We deconstruct our experiences to make them bearable and acceptable. This is embodied by the distorted, yet hauntingly familiar, controversial imagery of the video. In so doing, these previously apprehensive experiences are incorporated into who we are. They now serve to inform our Identities.  


Edition of 5
2:18 min loop


— n 

The normal ability to experience sensation, perception, or sensitivity.


  1. Hypoesthesia  

(hy·po·es·the·sia  or  hy·pes·the·sia)  
— n   Partial loss of sensitivity to sensory stimuli; diminished sensation.


  1. Pseudesthesia 

(pseud·es·the·sia or pseu·do·es·the·sia)
— n

 A subjective sensation not arising from an external stimulus.

Edition of 5
1:37 min loop

These artworks deconstruct the instants between experiences through the creation of fascinatingly macabre and enthrallingly grotesque morphs/transformations of the human figure. The image never consolidates to a completely recognisable form, yet identifiable elements remain that enables the viewer a reconstruction according to their own prejudices.

Similarly we taint our own individual experiences by who we are, and mould these into acceptable compromises of morality. Thus we deconstruct our experiences to make them bearable. This is embodied by the distorted, yet hauntingly familiar, controversial imagery of the video.

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